October 6, 2024
Anti-Semitism and the Gospel
Today we will have opportunities for you and your family to have your photograph taken for the upcoming 2025 Church Directory. Photographs will be taken each Sunday through October. Photographer, Lisa Eding, will be in the Work Room (room behind Room #203) each Sunday 9:00 to 9:25 am and 10:45 to 11:00 am. Photographs can still be submitted to office@fbczeeland.org if you would rather submit your own.
The following classes are offered each Sunday:
Birth–3 years … Room #205 and #207 (main level)
3–5 years … Room #103 (lower level)
Kindergarten–1st grade … Room #101 (lower level)
2nd–4th grades … Room #105 (lower level)
5th–6th grades … Room #122 (lower level)
7th–8th grades … Room #111 (Student Ministry Center, lower level)
9th–12th grades … Room #111 (Student Ministry Center, lower level)
Post High School/Young Adult … Room #112 (inside Student Ministry Center, lower level)
Family Life … Room #110 (lower level)
Multigenerational … Room #201 (Parlor, main level)
Beginning on October 13, the Young Adults class will be hosting a mini-teaching series entitled, "Is the Gospel Colorblind." We are opening our class for these 5 weeks for anyone who might be interested in studying Scripture with us on the topic of racism. This class will meet in the Student Ministry Center.
What are First Files?
Ever wondered what those files were outside the Main Auditorium entrances? They are one way we communicate with those who regularly attend and/or members of FBCZ. Every family who is a member or regular attender is welcomed to have a First File. From time to time we will put important information in the form of handouts which we want the church to be aware of. These files can also be used for communication between members/attenders. Note: these files are not to be used for any time of advertisement or solicitation.
If you do not currently have a First File and would like one, please email the church office at office@fbczeeland.org and we will provide you with one.
Weekly Bible Study and Prayer
With the start of the Wednesday night ministry programs, we want to remind you of our Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer. It is held in the church parlor, Room 201, from 6:30-7:30 PM. This is open to everyone 18 years of age and up. Currently we are studying the book of 1 Peter. We also take time to pray for the needs of our class members and the church. Please join us on Wednesday nights to learn more about the Lord and his Word, to pray for his Church, and to discover new friendships! Please call Billie Meaney at 616-298-5833 with any questions.
Sisters Sharing, Saturday morning, October 12, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Come for as long as you want. Join us as we hear the exciting story from Laurie Poll, a local woman who has taken multiple short term mission trips to Haiti. We will also be working together on 2 important service projects. For our local sisters: Please bring donations of feminine hygiene products for the Hope Center and/or Positive Options. For our international sisters: We will be making reusable menstrual pads. We'll set- up an assembly line for various jobs, such as tracing patterns, cutting fabric, sewing, and packaging to donate to young women in several countries. You don't need to sew to be helpful! Ask questions and sign up in the Foyer or on FaceBook.
This year’s Conference, “Mexico and Morocco (M&Ms)”, will be held October 20 through 23. Missionaries Ken VanKirk, Jason Hovingh and Lisa Hovingh will be sharing about their experiences on the mission field. An itinerary regarding this event can be found on the round tables in the foyer.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child ministry will take place November 18-25. You can start gathering donations and financial gifts now. OCC is an awesome way to share and spread the Gospel around the world with a simple shoe box filled with God’s love. So many lives have been changed with this ministry and we have the opportunity to change more around the world.
Could you find it in your heart to help with this special ministry by donating supplies and/or a financial gift to defray shipping costs? Our church sent out 125 boxes last year and we are hoping to send 200 or more this year.
Donations should be for children ages 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14. Donations can be school supplies, toys, and stuffed animals, whatever you can fit into the box and close it. The need is great for all ages. A financial gift of $10 will send a box around the world and it is tax deductible.
Donations can be left in the box in the Foyer. If you need an OCC shoebox to fill, contact the church office at 616.772.4377. Please consider being a part of this important ministry.
Billy and Erika Tjernlund
Missionary Children
Micah, Anna, Julia, Isaiah and Joshua Braun
Elders, Deacons, and Staff
Ron McIntyre, Elder
Homebound Worshipper
Norma DeJonge
We want to pray for your specific needs. Please call the church office at 616.772.4377 or email us at prayer@fbczeeland.org.
Pastor-on-call number … 616.741.1399.
This week at FBCZ
Today Morning worship
Second Hour classes
Real Life High School
Monday Women’s Bible Study – 9:30 am
Women’s Bible Study – 7:00 pm
Wednesday Children’s Ministry
Real Life Middle School
Bible study and prayer
Worship Team practice
Saturday Women’s Event – Sisters Sharing
Looking Ahead
October 13 Mission Team meeting
October 15 Elders meeting
October 20 - Mission Conference
October 20 All Church Luncheon
October 21 Mission Conference Men’s Event
October 22 Mission Conference Women’s
October 23 Missionaries in Children’s Ministry
2024 Tithes and Gifts
General Fund
Proposed weekly budget $11,795
Received last week $6,962
Budget deficit year to date $-38,682
Benevolent Giving
Received last week $2
Received year to date $10,075
Faith Promise Mission Giving
Received last week $35
Received year to date $16,911
Tithes and offerings can be placed in the
Worship through Giving boxes located
at the back of the auditorium and
at each door of the building.